8 Good Habits to Stay Healthy

Shiny hair, glowing eyes, and firm skin are all signs of good health. So how can you maintain it for years to come? The first thing to do is to change your habits. Do you think we’re talking about smoking? Of course, it’s better to forget about cigarettes, but it’s important not just to give up the bad ones, but also to make new, good rules for life. Doctors and psychologists recommend at least 8 habits that are useful to acquire as soon as possible. It won’t be difficult to develop them, and you will be pleased with the effect.

Eat Healthy

Modern research confirms that the diet directly affects health, beauty, and life expectancy. Of course, there is no perfect menu, but you can create an individual, optimal for yourself, taking into account the key recommendations of experts. These include:

Reducing the consumption of red meat – it has a lot of cholesterol, and it’s often full of hormones. Instead, it is better to increase the proportion of white meat and fatty fish in the diet.

Choosing the “right” fats. Omega 3 and Omega 6 are important elements of a healthy diet, and they are found in unsaturated fats.

Including fresh fruits, vegetables, and fiber in your diet is what helps keep your digestive system toned.

Moderate consumption of sugar. Sugar is not only in obviously sweet products, and it’s important to consider this: if your menu is dominated by high-calorie meals, insulin resistance develops. And this is the main cause of metabolic syndrome, leading to type 2 diabetes.

Vitamins and food supplements. They will help promote health and prolong youth! Grapefruit seed extract, for example, will help strengthen the immune system and protect against many diseases. 

Be Active

Regular physical activity provides many benefits: increased self-confidence, improved quality of sleep, reduced risk of disease, including cancer, and prevention of osteoporosis. The most beneficial sport for the whole body is on an aerobic basis to train the heart and lungs. Walking, swimming, cycling and cross-country skiing are recommended. The key condition is that you have to exercise continuously for at least 20 minutes.

Sleep it off 

Sleeping is a factor that cannot be overestimated. This is most clearly demonstrated in a study conducted in Wisconsin, USA, which compared the health status of people working according to the classic schedule and those who work in shifts. The results: 47.9% of patients who worked in shifts were overweight, while among those who worked the standard schedule was 34.7%. Workers who worked in shifts also suffered from insomnia, lack of sleep and sleepiness more often. So try to get the necessary 6-8 hours of sleep in time. Remember that chronic lack of sleep over time causes stress, as well as diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease.

Be in the Sun More Often or Take Vitamin D

The sun is known to be beneficial to the body and improve metabolism by synthesizing the important vitamin D for humans under UV light. Vitamin D ensures the stability of the skeleton and prevents the development of osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. It takes 20-30 minutes a day in the sun in summer to get a dose of vitamin D, but in the off-season it can take several hours. Therefore, it’s important to be in the sun every day in summer and to take vitamins containing daily norms of vitamin D and calcium in winter. Of course, even if you’re trying to get vitamin D, it pays to remember the rules of the sun and not to expose your skin to excessive risk in the pursuit of a “chocolate” tan.

Train Your Brain

Not everyone knows this, but the brain also needs exercise. Mindfulness isn’t only a great prevention of cognitive disease but also an effective way to improve quality of life. Neuroplasticity is a concept that reflects the brain’s ability to change throughout a person’s life. The brain is by no means static: all our actions create chains of neurons, and the more often a certain action is repeated, the stronger the chain becomes. As a result, both small “pathways” and multilane “highways” of neurons are formed – and we ourselves control what will become this “highway”: our useful habits or small weaknesses.

You can do this differently. For example, you can solve riddles, test strategies at bizzocasino.nl, or learn a new language. The main thing is to do this constantly. 

Cuddle up

Hugs have been proven to increase oxytocin levels, reduce levels of the “stress hormone” cortisol, stabilize blood pressure, relax muscles and increase overall life satisfaction. They improve relationships with the loved ones we hug, and for children are important: hugs help them develop better both physically and mentally.

Have Regular Preventive Check-ups

Early diagnosis is the key to success in treating diseases, including cancer. Remember: Regular check-ups are the key to keeping your health under control. It’s important to go through check-ups early, even if you’re not worried about anything. For example, colon cancer (colorectal), as well as some other types of cancer, are often initially asymptomatic, and warning signs appear only at 3-4 stages, when metastases have invaded lymph nodes and abdominal organs. At this stage, the patient, alas, is already difficult to help, no matter what country he is treated in. However, timely detection of the tumor at an early stage can save the lives of 9 out of 10 patients. To avoid the risk of death, you should not be lazy to undergo colonoscopy at least once every 5 years. Today, this procedure is absolutely safe and does not require long preparation.


Meditation can effectively combat the inevitable stress of today’s world. Stress not only impairs the quality of life the moment one experiences it but also has time-delayed consequences, leading to the development of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and depression. Constant stress hastens the aging of the body.According to studies, enough 10-15 minutes of meditation sessions regularly to feel the effects, namely reducing anxiety and irritability. Plus a significant strengthening of the immune system, an increase in alertness, and a decrease in blood pressure if it’s elevated.

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